Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lamb-meats and assorted jellies...

I think I've now fully recovered from my past weekend in Baltimore, ( good old home sweet home.) Seems I can't hellraise the way I used to, seems to be my body's now revolting against me. Eh, no matter. It'll help me get back on the " fitness" track I've been fixing to move onto for the past few months. No easy access to fast greasy food makes living up here one of the perks in my life. I'm not going so far as to track, kill, & clean my meals before eating them, but by being a conscientious consumer, I'm learning valuable lessons to make me a better person.

God, could you hear the venom in that last statement, or was that just my internal monologue projecting out? Maybe it's just me growing up, and not being ready to handle all that it entails. Maybe it's me 4 years ago, ( the one that would probably be dead by now) telling me to go out and do the things that would...well, un-animate my being. Feh, I'm grabbing a rocket-pop, and watching some shitty cable.

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